On 26 June 2017, Pascal Drevet- CEO, HPE ingredients was awarded the International development award by Caen DCF (Dirigeants commerciaux de France). It is an association of Business managers and Chief executive officers of different companies in the Normandy region. An event of exchange of ideas and business practices internationally and domestically to create network of business. 

We are delighted that our products and involvement has been recognized internationally by the member of DCF.

This milestone proves our dynamism, professionalism and our deep desire to offer innovative products to our clients and for a healthier lifestyle.

Thank you very much to all the members of Caen DCF!

For further information on HPE Ingredients innovative products: Helipept® & Helizym® & Nutrelix® & Heliskin®

Contact us:    + 33 (0) —    pad@hpeingredients.com