The balance of a healthy and varied diet has always been at the heart of all debates. Proteins are often mean muscles or meat. Beyond being made out of many animals and plant foods, proteins play multiple roles in health. All our cells, hormones, enzymes and our neuromodulators are in fact made up of amino acids.

The 9 essential amino acids that not produced by the human body, but are vital to its proper functioning can be partly found in foods that we consume every day.

Among these 9 amino acids: Histidine, Isoleucine and leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine.

Then, what is the ingredient which would be both natural and offer a very important source of protein and amino acids?

So, at HPE ingredients has conducted an analyses to evaluate the quality of our new snail extract which has high levels of protein content. Eggs, referred as high protein content and amino acids composition have been tested and referred. We realized that the amino acids composition present in a snail is same as in an egg. After the whole filtration process, we achieved 60% protein level composed from snail flesh.



Nevertheless,the quality of protein is not only based on its content and richness in amino acids but on its digestibility. This is one of the advantages of animal proteins, which have large quantities of enzymes and facilitate digestion unlike vegetable proteins.

Proteins digestion is the important stage before entering into the blood. Proteins enter into the blood and muscles very quickly and then contribute to repair muscle fibers.

It is suggested by nutritionists, the Mediterranean diet is composed of snails, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and low cholesterol content. In addition, a snail contains very low calorie (70 kcal per 100 g) and only 1.5% Fat.